Friday 18 April 2014

while meditating I fell a sleep and this is where my dream look me...

As I'm drifting off to sleep I imagine going to one of  my many sacred places. One place I go to resides on a cliff over looking the ocean, its beauty is so breath taking, the vastness of the ocean as far as the eye can see the sun so warm. I feel its rays warming my skin, then all of a sudden these huge waves came crashing up against the cliff eroding away the land, pieces of earth and rock  start crashing into the ocean , then all of a sudden I feel the ground I'm standing on slipping away from underneath me. I hit the water so hard and debris is crashing into the water hitting me and pulling me down as I fight for my life I feel this calmness overcome me and I know that its ok to stop fighting and to embrace what is happening and face this head on . Then all of a sudden I feel as if I'm floating swishing and swaying it feels so good and calming, I then come to realization that I'm apart of the ocean this movement feels so good I have literally become apart of something I thought that was bigger then me,  I'm no longer just my body .  as curiosity sets in I feel I want to explore more so then all of a sudden I feel myself emerge out of the water and I transform into a dove. I'm weightless and I'm free! flying all over the place. Off in the distance I see this blue hue and I feel I must go and see what it is so I fly over and to my amazement I see a body, this body it was mine!. I started to panic this feeling of sadness overcame me I knew I had to go back and this sadden me . This freedom I felt I wanted more but I guess it wasn't my time and this was just a dream.

We are more then what we perceive ourselves to be.
thus universe has many surprises
Look beyond what the eyes can see
and your questions will be answered.
Ask you shall see .

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