Friday 13 February 2015

 Well It has most deffently been one hell of a year, so much change , new job new insight new beginnings and I do expect more to come as I'm changing life around me will change. this whole transformation has had me come to the self realization that this whole fiscade has not served me any good actually it has only taken from me.  Oscar Wilde has never said it better "Be yourself; Everyone else is already Taken." as I'm sitting here I think of all the different faces I have shown to the world yet I have not truly shown mine. beside my thoughts on this blog and thanks to whomever is reading my posts by the way . We work so hard to keep up with the Jones we forget who we truly are, our true nature gets tucked down so deep we neglect our true wholeness. When the circus leaves your left standing in your own trash trying to find away to re-create something but no matter how hard you try you just know that its time to just be yourself .  Ive never felt more further away from the people I've known, I know its because I'm coming more into myself than ever before. I live my spiritual truth every day and I hope that you find yours or I should say "YOU" .

So in closing I hope for the best to those who of in someway impacted my life negatively and positively.  Good-Bye

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